I am a documentary freak, I LOVE documentaries. The other day I watched a documentary about John Hughes, a group of people set out to try and find out why it is that after making so many wonderful movies in the 80's this legendary filmmaker just up and disappeared. This documentary was done over two years and I really enjoyed it. Most of all I really appreciated the point they were making ( well one of the several really) which was the fact that people in general CAN NOT connect with movies today, like they had once done with movies like Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club.
When I say connect, I mean in the whole sense of the word. For example; Molly Wringwald, if you look at movies like Sixteen Candles and The Breakfast Club Molly Wringwald is a very pretty woman, however when you compare her looks to starlets of today there is something drastically different. I want to know why filmmakers believe that when they do a "high school" movie that they need to have these blond haired, blue eyed, big chested "typical" high school student....because lets face reality here most of us were not that picture of perfection, we all followed HIDEOUS trends, we all had ( well except for the lucky few) acne....Do you see that in today's high school dramas?? That is a big fat NO. So what is it about these cheesy movies nowadays that make so much money?
Now onto the more adult films....and NO I don't mean "Adult" lol. I'm talking about these schmaltzy films where at the end the man and woman get together, have this fairytale wedding, and ride off into the sunset and it's happily ever after........GET REAL....How many people does this actually happen to, where you hop into a Rolls Royce after getting hitched and drive down a long graveled driveway with fireworks going off and that's the end? Why aren't they showing the rest?! Why aren't they showing how much you have to work at marriage? Which leads me to yet another point. How many of us really have the husband with the 12 pack abs who saves the day every chance he gets? Now don't get me wrong, my husband was and is my "knight in shinning armor" ....however, he isn't perfect and he isn't Brad Pitt....so how can I relate to these movies??? I will tell you that no matter how perfect these leading men are in the movies, nothing is more sexy and more manly than my husband play and love our child. I would take that ANY DAY OF THE WEEK over a shirtless Brad Pitt type.
That's really all I have for right now on movies. Onto fashion. Jeez man....I could go on and on about this one, but I really just have a few things I will put down, so here it goes:
I was watching "What not to wear" on TLC, and the subject was an average woman, and when I say average, I mean she wasn't a stick figure with a bobble head attached at the shoulders, she had curves. So anyway she was sent shopping and she just kept walking up to clothes and saying oh this is SO cute, but probably don't have it in my size, and she would look and guess what NOPE. She kept saying why can't these people make these clothes in my size, they would make more money. Here is the answer: Because NOT every larger girl knows that just because some of the clothes they make for the stickies (this is what I like to call them) will look the least bit flattering on us. In particular: SKINNY JEANS.....ladies ladies ladies....you know who you are, please please please I am begging you....PUT DOWN THE SKINNY JEANS!!!!! Did you ever stop to ask yourself why it is they are in fact named SKINNY jeans????? I mean seriously.....when you pack all of your womanly curves into those things it is not by any means flattering, and to be blunt ...sometimes it looks downright WRONG and nasty. Knowing that I have a fuller figure there are just some things I try and stay away from, I will list some examples here:
2. Skinny jeans
3. Crop tops
4. Shirts 4 sizes too small
5. Extremely clingy material
Now that is just 5 items, but really there are a lot more. However onto my next point is, there has been like no happy medium between stickies clothes and full figured clothes. If you ever have the chance, regardless of if you are a stickie ( when I say stickie, I am really not saying it mean, because I really would like to at some point in my life join the stickie clan...well maybe not be that stickie, but you know where I'm going with that) or even less of a stickie, please go into a large women's clothing store. Some things are really cute, and some......well ......lets just say that it probably doesn't do anyone any good to wear a hot orange tent with flowers all over it. Until stores started having "Plus size" areas, and specialty stores like Torrid came into the picture there really wasn't any choice but for these women to wear the hot orange floral tents. So thank you Torrid, because you have some really cute clothes!!!!!!
Now for the last point of this really long rambling thing......whether you are a stickie or a Phatty....we are ALL beautiful, small bodies or large bodies we are all exceptional in our own ways!!!!
Learn To Cook At Your Own Pace
6 years ago
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