When someone talks about blogging, I instantly get this vision of that person sitting down at their computer typing away words flowing out of their brains onto the screen, like a scene from a movie, like Sex in the City, when Sarah Jessica Parker's character is sitting at her desk and all of this deep intellectual stuff comes onto the computer screen and its happily ever after..or so to speak.
Is this really the way it goes?? Really? I mean sometimes I get the urge to sit down and blog, but the words and thoughts never come that easily, I mean I think "oh I'll write about this or that...but what if no one is reading it because it sucks?" Does everyone do this? Or is blogging more of a way for us to journal things, whether important or not....I suppose I know the answer to this question already so I don't even really need to ask it......so yeah....
Onto my rants.....I am sooooooo sick of the human population being so RUDE! When did it become OK to not have any manners whatsoever?? Seriously would it really kill a person to say Please, Thank you and excuse me? As a kid I was raised by a single mom and my grandparents, all of whom taught me that it was NOT ok to NOT say those things. This leads me to, are people just lazy or did they learn from their parents? I know that my son will at least be taught that manners are a good thing. When he becomes an adult I will surely hope that he will remember what he is taught, and if not I feel really sorry for those in his future......not to mention that he will never be too old for a good old fashioned spanking from mommy!
Speaking of futures....I am getting really sick and tired of people pushing their points of view and feelings about the future onto me. I am aware that we should be prepared for anything that may come, however I REFUSE to worry and stress over things that are not here yet. The bottom line is unless you have a crystal ball and can see into the future you really don't know what is to come, and if you do have said crystal ball then can you please share?
Onto my final rant for the evening......what is it with Doctors that make them feel like they are superior to others??? Really? Just because you have an education, does that really mean you can't even make eye contact with me? I don't think I speak like I am uneducated and I would like to believe that I am smart when it comes to certain things, I certainly can't diagnose anyone with a sickness, nor do I try...so would it be too much to ask that you look me in the eye when I am speaking to you or actually HEAR what I am saying to you, not just sit there with your head down typing and saying "uhh huh" "I see" "right" because all of those things do not make me feel comfortable in the fact that you are trusted with my health. When I am telling you that I am very concerned about the fact that my son STILL isn't eating and I think he is getting more dehydrated, please don't make me feel like a complete and utter failure and tell me "you have to do more" because honestly you have no clue what my night, day or even week has been like.
Also just for the record, I am a first time mom, and considering that fact I really believe I have left you alone to fend for myself when it comes to my tiny little human, so don't act like a jerk and bitch my husband out because I didn't follow your recommendations....Because it was just that a recommendation....at the end of the day I did what I felt was right for my baby and my emotional stability.....oh and by the way the ER doctor gave me more information about dehydration in the 10 minutes he spent looking at my little guy than you did in 3 visits to your office.
Now don't get me wrong I do like you, I am just nursing my little wound and will be back to liking you in no time =)
Now the whatnot:
I will be sending out special thoughts to ALL of the babies, mommies and daddies who are going through rough times right now.
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